
Join our Early Adopter Program and help shape the future of manufacturing software

Our Flagship Manufacturing Software Made for Established Businesses

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Released in 2023, our flagship Tracktile Early Adopter Program (EAP) offers cloud-based manufacturing software for established organizations seeking a digital solution that empowers their operational performance & data management.

Gain real-time visibility and grow with confidence!

Inventory Management

Production Management + Forecasting

Orders and Shipping

End-to-End Traceability

Computer and Tablet Compatible

Cloud Secure

Unlimited Full-Access Users

Unlimited Areas

Custom Reporting

3rd Party Integrations

Smart Hardware Compatible

Data Analyitcs

Configurable Alerts and Tasks Prompt

Configurable Forms and Docs

RFID Scanning Compatible

Case Scenario

Meet John, Plant Manager at Amazing Foods Inc.

John manages 24 employees throughout the Receiving, Production and Shipping departments. He’s also responsible for ensuring inventories are adequately stocked, product quality is maintained, and finished goods are properly stored.

Amazing Foods Inc. uses a combination of software, Excel, and paper reports.

On average, John spends 10 hours per week meeting with team leads, 16 hours per week monitoring production processes and inventory quantities, and 8 hours per week inputting data and filing paper reports for upper management and food safety.

John earns $30 per hour, and continuing “as-is” costs the company $4,080 per month.

By becoming a Tracktile EAP member, Amazing Foods benefits from digitized visibility, automated data entry, and real time reporting, reducing his administrative workload down to 18 hours per week!

Tracktile EAP has empowered John with 15 hours of previously unavailable time to optimize operational efficiencies, a value of $1,920 per month!

eap case

Automate your key business insight.

Ready to enhance your food manufacturing business?