Tracktile Blog

Embracing Technology for Orders and Shipments

Written by Jordan Rose | Mar 5, 2024 2:44:06 PM

In the bustling world of food and beverage manufacturing, where supply and demand never slow, adopting automation and digital solutions is not just an upgrade—it's a requirement to stay competitive.

Understanding this transformation benefits industry professionals in this sector, and it's critical for staying afloat in an increasingly competitive market.

The Pain Points

The food and beverage manufacturing industry has traditionally grappled with several pain points that impact orders and shipping.

One significant hurdle is inventory management - knowing what's in stock, what's running low, and what's about to expire. There's a delicate balance between having enough product to meet demand and not so much that it goes to waste or sits on your shelves.

Another challenge lies in the realm of order accuracy and turnaround times. Clients expect their orders to be error-free and delivered swiftly, and any deviation can be costly, resulting in returns, refunds, or lost business.

Moreover, compliance with food safety regulations requires meticulous tracking and documentation, a process often bogged down by manual record-keeping.

The inefficiency of traditional methods, often reliant on manual labor, creates bottlenecks.

These can be due to human error, limited visibility into the supply chain, or simply because the old ways can't keep pace with modern demand. Add to this the labor shortages and the push for sustainability, and it's clear the industry is navigating a sea of challenges that require innovative solutions.

The Digital Lifeline

Enter automation and digital solutions, a lifeline thrown to food and beverage manufacturers. Automation software, with its ability to streamline complex processes, offers several advantages that directly address the industry's challenges.

First, it vastly improves inventory management. Real-time tracking means that stock levels are constantly updated, reducing waste and ensuring that popular items are always available. With accurate data at their fingertips, managers can make informed decisions quickly, without the guesswork.

For order fulfillment, automation is a game-changer. Automated systems can process orders with greater accuracy and at speeds no human team can match. This rapid turnaround not only enhances customer satisfaction but also propels the company ahead of competitors still mired in manual processes.

Understanding demand and looking at the right data to make forecasting decisions is truly only done through technology.

Compliance with regulations is another area where digital solutions shine. They provide comprehensive tracking and record-keeping that's more accurate and easily accessible. This reduces the risk of non-compliance fines and ensures that the source can be quickly identified and addressed if a food or beverage safety issue arises.

Automation also optimizes shipping logistics. Advanced software can calculate the most efficient delivery routes, manage shipping schedules, supplier or carrier lead times, and reduce transportation costs. This efficiency level helps reduce the carbon footprint, thereby supporting sustainability initiatives.


So, how can new automation software help food and beverage manufacturers, specifically with orders and shipping? Let's break it down:

  1. Smart Inventory Management: Software like AI-based predictive analytics can anticipate demand trends, adjust stock levels accordingly, and reduce food waste through better shelf-life management.

  2. Precision in Order Processing: By employing systems like ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), manufacturers can centralize their operations, minimize errors in order processing, and ensure that customers receive exactly what they ordered. A Customer Relationship Management tool can help drive up-selling and order placement. When tied to your production software, it can generate work orders automatically based on a production schedule.

  3. Streamlined Compliance Tracking: Digital solutions automate the documentation process, making it easier to track and prove compliance with the ever-tightening regulations in food safety.

  4. Efficient Shipping and Distribution: Using route planning software and automated scheduling tools, companies can optimize their delivery systems, saving time and fuel.

  5. Enhanced Customer Experience: With all of the above in place, the customer experience is significantly improved. Orders are correct, delivered on time, and there is less chance of a food safety issue that could damage trust in the brand.

By embracing these technologies, food and beverage manufacturers can solve their current pain points and set themselves up for future success. Automation and digital solutions don't just patch up existing issues—they reimagine the entire workflow for greater efficiency and resilience.

As we look to the future, it's clear that these technological advancements are not merely optional. They are the cornerstones of food and beverage manufacturing, where agility, precision, and efficiency are not just desired but required.

For those in the food and beverage manufacturing industry, it's time to embrace automation and digital solutions. The benefits are clear: the technology is available, and the market is waiting.

To see how Tracktile can help, reach out and book a discovery call (no charge), and we will identify how these technologies can help your operation.